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Αρχική Προτάσεις Ημερίδες, σεμινάρια, ομιλίες 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence


We are pleased to announce the organization of the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, which will take place on the island of Spetses, Greece, August 29 to September 1, 2012.

The general theme of the conference is Adolescence, i.e. studying adolescence from different perspectives. Thus, research on adolescence from different areas of Psychology - Developmental, Clinical, Social - as well as from other disciplines of psycho-social interest is most welcomed.

Researchers and practitioners from different disciplines across Europe and all over the world, who study adolescence, will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss their research findings and pose new questions for research. At the same time, they can enjoy their stay in a beautiful Greek island, Spetses.

The Conference program will include keynote lectures by internationally recognized scholars / researchers, invited symposia on key issues in adolescent development, symposia, poster symposia, oral presentations and poster sessions.

I invite you all - scholars, researchers, professionals, psychologists, teachers, students, and, generally, individuals who have an interest in adolescence - to Spetses, for a creative, scientific and - at the same time - pleasant experience.

See you in Spetses!

Professor Elias Besevegis
Chair of the Conference